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Carburetor Assembly

SAFETY FIRST: Protective gloves and eyewear are recommended at this point.

Be gentle when installing the jets and pilot screw. These parts are soft and are easily damaged. Do not over tighten these soft parts.

Place a new O-ring on the pilot screw. Install the new O-ring, washer, and spring into the pilot screw hole in that order. Insert the pilot screw.

Turn the pilot screw all the way in. Back out the screw to its original position.

Pilot screw for 650 model: 2-1/4 turns out
Pilot screw for 700 model: 1-1/2 turns out

Install a pilot screw plug in the following models and their newer versions; 2006 US 650, 2007 Canada 650 and 2006 US 700. Insert the plug into its hole and apply a bonding agent around the edge of the plug. Take care to use a small amount of bonding agent.

Insert the needle jet holder into the carburetor.

Install the needle jet. Tighten the needle jet with an 8 mm wrench.

Thread the main jet into the needle jet.

Tighten the main jet with a small flat blade screwdriver while holding the needle jet with an 8 mm wrench.

Install the pilot jet with a small flat blade screwdriver.

Place the float valve needle on the float valve tang.

Slide in the float pin.

Set the floats into the carburetor so that the float valve needle goes into the float valve orifice.

Install the float pin screw with a #2 Phillips screwdriver.

Install a new O-ring onto the float bowl. Install the float bowl onto the carburetor body.

Tighten the four float bowl screws securely with a #2 Phillips head screwdriver.

Insert the jet needle and spring seat into the piston valve diaphragm. Make sure the spring seat doesn’t cover up the hole in the piston.

Insert the piston valve assembly with spring into the top of the carburetor. Make sure the diaphragm projection fits into the slot in the carburetor body. The piston valve should move smoothly in the carburetor body.

Install the cap onto the carburetor.

Tighten the screws securely with a #2 Phillips screwdriver.

Install the enrichment valve diaphragm and O-ring into the carburetor.

Install the enrichment valve spring and cap.

Tighten the two screws securely with a #2 Phillips head screwdriver.

Install the carburetor. See the Carburetor Installation topic.

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